KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

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KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

Post by vic »


O sa scriu acest thread si in Engleza poate o sa ajute si pe altii. Am reusit sa adaug inchidere centralizata aftermaket la o KIA CEED varianta BEST din 2008. Daca vreti sa urmariti aceste instructiuni o faceti pe propria raspundere si nu sunt responsabil pentru nici problema care poate aparea la masina dvs. sau o posibile rani cauzate, nu va pot ajuta cu detalii suplimentare din cauza timpului liber limitat..
I'm writing this thread also in English for a larger audience. I managed to add aftermarket remoter locking system at my personal KIA CEED BEST from 2008. Disclaimer: IF you are following these instructions you are doing it at your own risk and I am not liable for any injuries or any damage it may occur to your car! I won't be able to help you with additional details due to my limited available time.

Rezervati-va o jumatate de zi pentru a efectua aceasta instalare.
It would take you around half a day for doing this installation.

Part 1.
Acesul la componente - demontarea panourilor pentru access.
Aceess to car components - removing parts for getting access.

Veti avea nevoie de access la panoul de sigurante de la usa soferului. Link cu filmulet cum il puteti deschide:
You will need access to the fuse box from the dirver's door. Here's a short video on how to open it:

Desfaceti suruburile 1 si 2 marcate in urmatoarea poza.
Remove screws 1 and 2 as marked on the next picture.

Desfaceti suruburile 3 si 4 marcate in urmatoarea poza, veti putea apoi desface panoul de plastic de sub volan
Remove screws 3 and 4 as marked on the next picture, you can now remove the plastic pane from the wheel.

Desfaceti suruburile 5,6,7,8 pentru a desface panoul metalic de sub volan, posibil sa mai aiba un surub de care am uitat
Remove screws 5,6,7,8 to remove the metal pane from under the steering wheel, it may be hold by another screw that I forgot about.
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KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

Post by vic »

Vrem sa putem indeparta/ridica consola centrala, pentru asta trageti de panoul de plastic si apoi desurubati surubul 7, la fel trebuie sa faceti si pe partea cealalta
We are aiming for removing the central console, in order to do this remove the plastic side pannel (just pull it) and remove screw 7, same goes for the other side of the lower side of the central console

In fundul cotierei scoateti bucata de tapiterie ce acopera suruburile si desurubati suruburile 8 si 9
In the armchair take off from the bottom the piece of carpet and remove screws 8 and 9

Trageti de husa schimbatorului de viteze si desurubati suruburile 10 si 11
Pull the leather covering the gear shift and remove screws 10 and 11

Trageti de compartimentul de deasuprea scrumierei si desurubati suruburile 12 si 13
Pull the compartment from above the ashtray and remove the screwes 12 and 13 for removing the ashtray

Acum aveti access la unitatea BCM de sub scrumiera, nu am o poza cu suruburile care o tin. E o cutie neagra de dimensiunea unui portmoneu. Scrie pe ea BCM
You will now have access to remove the BCM from under the Ashtray, don't have a picture with the screws holding it. it's a black box of the size of a wallet. It's written BCM on it.

Asta este, acum aveti access la toate componentele necesare instalarii inchiderii centralizate, voi reveni cu restul detalilor, as aprecia daca nu ati posta pe acest thread pana nu termin cu tot tutorialul.
That's it, now you have physical access to all needed components for installing remote entry, I'll come back with the rest of the details, I'd appreciate if you don't post on this thread until I finish this tutorial.
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Re: KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

Post by vic »

Partea a doua - inchiderea centralizata
Second Part- remote system

Am folosit un kit de inchidere centralizata MFK GPL 285 K245 Keyless Entry System, dar daca intelegeti principiul de funtionare puteti instala orice alt kit asa ca sa incepem.
I used a remote entry kit MFK GPL 285 K245 Keyless Entry System, but if you understand the working principle you can install any other kit, so let's dig into it.

Downlodati schema atasata si scoateti-o la imprimanta sau deschideti-o pe alt monitor. Am folosit doar firele pentru inchiderea si deschiderea masinii si semnalizare
Download the attached diagram, print it or open it on another monitor. I used only the wires for closing and opening the car and flashing the turning lights.

Pe diagrama firele a si b sunt gri si se conecteaza la masina la activarea semnalizarii pe dreapta si pe partea stanga, amandoua vin din acelasi fir de comanda avand 2 diode de protectie. Nu conteaza care fir este conectat pentru partea dreapta sau stanga de semnalizare, sunt activate in acelasi timp rezultand activarea tuturor semnalizarilor in acelasi timp, ca si cum ai activa avarile. In partea a 3-a vom identifica firele necesare de la masina.
On the Diagram the wires a and b are Grey and are connected to the car for activating the signaling/turn lights on the right side and on the left, they both come from the same signaling wire and have 2 diodes for protection. It doesn't matter which wire is connected for the right side or the left as they are both actioned on the same time , the result is flashing of all the turning light in the same time - just like you would press the emergency light button. On the third part we will identify the necessary wires for the car.

Firele c (rosu) si d (negru) sunt alimentarea modulului de inchidere centralizata. Cu cheia scoasa din contact va trebui sa identificati in spatele panoului de sigurante (cel prezentat in youtube-ul atasat initial) un fir + cu tensiune iar firul de - va trebui legat la masa adica la caroserie. Astfel modulul de inchidere centralizata va fi alimentat tot timpul.
Wires c (rosu) and d (negru) are the power wires for the remote locking module. With the key removed from the care you will have to identify in the back of the surge panel (the one presented in the attached youtube on the beginning of this post) a positive + wire live and the minus wire will need to go to the body of the car anywhere as the - from the car battery is connected to your car body. This way your module will always have power.

Kia CEED-ul este o masina "negative control" adica pentru a activa inchiderea/deschiderea tuturor usilor va trebui sa facem contact la masa/minus/caroserie firul corespunzator din BCM (Body Control Module). Firele E (Verde) si F (Violet) fac parte dintr-un circuit deschis - releu - care se inchide la apasarea butonului de inchis de pe telecomanda. Similar firele G(Verde-Alb) si H (Violet-Alb) fac parte dintr-un circut deshis - releu care se inchide la apasarea butonului de deschis de pe telecomanda. Prin urmare firele E si G le vom conecta la masa/minus/caroserie iar firele F si H vor fi conectate corespunzator in BCM. In partea a 3-a vom identifica firele corespunzatoare din masina.

Kia CEED is a "negative control" car, meaning that for activationg the opening/closing of all doors we will have to connect to the car body/minus of the battery the corresponding wire from the BCM (Body Control Module). Wires E (Green) and F (Violet) are part of an open circuit -relay - that closes when the closed button from the remote is pressed. Similar wires G (Green-White) and H (Violet -White) are part of an open circuit -relay - that closes when open buttone from the remote is pressed. Therefore wires E and G will be connected to the car body/minus of the battery and wires F and H will be connected correspondingly in the BCM. In part 3 we will identify the corresponding wires from the car.
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Re: KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

Post by vic »

Fiindca urmeaza sa facem conexiuni cu firele masini, o idee despre cum putem lipi firele bine.
As we are next to connect into the car wires take a look at the attached picture on how to correctly solder wires.
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Re: KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

Post by Sergiucid »

Or if you want a faster approach, and there aren't high currents involved, you could use a fast connection bridge like this :
Simple, no cutting, no soldering :)
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Re: KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

Post by vic »

Partea a treia - conectarea la masina
Third Part- connecting the remote locking to the car

Deconectati minusul de la baterie, faceti conexiuni, conectati la loc minusul de la baterie, testati, apoi cand vreti sa faceti alte conexiuni deconectati din nou minusul de la baterie.
Sa incepem cu conectarea modulului de inchidere centralizata la tensiune. Am luat plus de la unul din firele din mufa Y si l-am conectat la firul c si minus de la un fir conectat la caroseria masinii chiar de sub cutia de sigurante si l-am conectat le firul d. Puteti testa conectand bateria si apasand unul din butoanele telecomenzii, ar trebui sa se auda un releu in modulul de inchidere centralizata. Deconectati bateria masinii.
Disconnect the minus from the battery car, make the connections, connect again the minus from the battery car, test, then when you want to make the other connections disconnect again the minus from the battery.
Let's start with connecting the power for the remote locking module. I connected the plus from one of the wires from the Y connector and connected it to the c wire and the minus wire d I connected it to the car body, there is a wire connected to the car body just under the fuse box. You can test now by connecting the battery of the car and press a button from the remote control and you should hear the noise of the relay working inside the remote locking unit. Disconnect the car battery

Acum pentru conectarea pozitilor va trebui sa scoateti connectorul X din spatele panoului de sigurante si sa conectati firul a de la modulul de inchidere centralizata la firul v (galben cu rosu) din conectorul X si firul b de la modulul de inchidere centralizata la firul w (albastru) din conectorul X. Conectati bateia masini ai acum cand apasati pe butonul deschis sau inchis din telecomanda va trebui ca avarile sa porneasca o data sau de doua ori iar la acest model de inchidere daca apasati pe butonul de portbagaj avarile vor fi pornite timp de 1 min. Deconectati bateria masinii.
Now, for connecting the turn lights you will have to remove the X connector from behind the surge panel and to connect the a wire from the remote locking module to the v (yellow with red) wire from connector X and the b wire from the remote locking module to the w (blue) wire from the connector X. Connect the car battery and now when pressing the open or closed button from the remote control you should see the turn lights flashing once or twice and for this model or remote locking if you press the trunk button the flash lights will be turned on for 1 minute. Disconnect the car battery.

Acum urmeaza partea interesanta pentru toti. Conectarea la BMC-ul masinii. Sunt 3 conectori care intra in BCM, ne vom conecta la un fir din cel neagru de 20 de pini si cel alb de 16 pini. Conectorul alb de 32 de pini va ramane neatins.
Din conectorul negru de 20 de pini conectati firul Z (portocaliu - vedeti pozitia exacta in conector din poza) la firul h din modulul de inchidere centralizata (Open button). Nu uitati sa conectati firul g la minus/caroserie.
Din conectorul alb de 16 pini conectati firul T (portocaliu cu dunga rosie- vedeti pozitia exacta in conector din poza) la firul f din modulul de inchidere centralizate (Closed button). Nu uitati sa conectati firul e la minus/caroserie.
Conectati bateria masini si acum inchiderea centralizata ar trebuie sa fie functionala. Testati.
Now comes the interesting part for all . Connecting to the BCM of the car. There are 3 connectors that enter the BCM. We will connect a wire in the black 20 pin connector and another wire in the white 16 pin connector. The white 32 pin connector will remain untouched.
From the black 20 pin connector connect the Z wire (orange - see exact position in the picture with the connector) to the h wire from the remote locking unit (that is activated by the Open button). Don't forget to connect the g wire to minus/car body.
From the white 16 pin connector, connect the wire T (orange with a red stripe - see exact position in connector in the picture) to the f wire from remote locking module(that is activate by the Closed button). Don't forget to connect the e wire to the minus/car body
Connect the car battery and now the remote locking should be fully functional. Test it.

Dupa ce va conectati la firele Z si T din BCM ar trebui sa testati atingandu-le de caroseria masinii si ar trebui sa vedeti ca masina se incuie si descuie.
Cu un aparat de masura testati inchiderea circuitului intre firele e si f cand apsati butonul de inchis de pe telecomanda si similar firele g si h. Este posibil la modelul dvs. de inchidere centralizata sa fie alte fire de alte culori.
Cu cheia originala mergeti la un centru de copiere de chiei sa va copieze cheia si sa va mute transponderul
After tapping into the Z and T wires from BCM you should test them by touching them to the minus/car body and you should see the car locking and unlocking accordingly
With a measuring device/tester test the closing of the circuit between wires e and f when pressing the closed button on the remote and similar with wires g and h. Its possible that on your remote locking module the wires to be differently color coded.
With the original keys go to a locksmith to copy your key and move the transponder to the new key.

Sper ca va ajuta pe cineva.
Hope this helps.
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Re: KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

Post by Dcazacu »

Salut! Am citit tutorialul tau si e super bine facut, dar parca tot nu ma lasa inima sa defrișez tapițeria si sa desurubez totul pe acolo. Mi-am luat si eu o jucărie din asta. Ai fi disponibil sa mă ajuți si pe mine? Contra cost, bine înțeles. E clar că stii ce faci si te-as prefera pe tine in locul unui service "specializat". Daca ai fi dispus sa faci asta, trimite-mi te rog un pm cu un nr. de telefon sau ceva. Mulțumesc frumos!

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Re: KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

Post by _ escu »

Bun tutorial, multumesc Sergiucid!
Desi nu intentionam sa fac asta de unul singur, in mai putin de 3 ore am montat o inchidere centralizata chinezeasca fara a mai pierde timp cu scormonirea pe forumuri rusesti dupa scheme electrice. De fapt din cele 3 ore, aproape o ora am pierdut-o cautand o afurisita de clema de-aia metalica, de la panoul lateral care vine in prelungirea consolei centrale, pe partea pasagerului.

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Re: KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

Post by sicedaca2004 »

Super tutorialul. Azi executat. Totul a mers perfect! O singura chestie , care nu e chiar asa deranjanta: cand inchizi din cheie si ai o usa deschisa, centralizare iti refuza armare si da acel click de 2 ori. Daca armezi din telecomda ,chiar daca ai o usa deschisa , masina se armeaza fara nici o eroare. Asa face si la voi?
Felicitari ptr tutorial!

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Re: KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

Post by oldschool »

Eu mi-am pus singur un modul inchidere centralizata cu telecomanda si este OK. Kia ceed 2008 :D

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Re: KIA CEED inchidere centralizata/remote locking installation

Post by Philbox »

Felicitari pt tutorial bine facut si detaliat.
O rugaminte daca se poate, repune linkul catre catre conexiunea mai rapida:
"Or if you want a faster approach, and there aren't high currents involved, you could use a fast connection bridge like this :
Simple, no cutting, no soldering :).
Nu e functional, sau nu mai e functional de la postare.
E cumva vorba despre "Posi-Tap"?
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